I enjoy working with unexpected traces, whether in the flow of my etching grounds or in my memory, observing and responding to them to dream my images into being. Through the alchemical portals of etching or lithography, I feel I can enter different magical worlds and fairytale atmospheres.
- Kindling : Etching. The eerie wild spirit-goats come down from the mountain and burst through the garden gate…while gathering kindling in my white apron of duty I meet them…perhaps I will follow them out of the gate and up onto the moor.
Awakening :
Stone lithograph. On the edge of a dream, falling awake and clinging to the dream wreckage, fleeting thoughts of grand monsters and wild woods and the moon are all I will remember when I wake up.
Washing by moonlight :
Etching. Lustral washing by the light of the moon, in a pool dotted with the emerging folded hands of bog-bean.
Ride a wild goat :
Etching. The sheets are bleaching in the moonlight, and in the bonewhite light the goat appears in the garden.